StarLust Content Guidelines for Accuracy & Fairness
Policy Overview:
At Starlust, our goal is to deliver content that is accurate, informative, and accessible. Whether it’s a guide to using your first telescope, a review of stargazing gear, or a tutorial on identifying constellations—our commitment is to provide factual, easy-to-understand information that our readers can trust. We are passionate about the cosmos, and we carry that responsibility with care and curiosity, free from sensationalism or misinformation.
Accuracy and Corrections:
- We strive to avoid publishing inaccurate, misleading, or outdated information, especially in scientific explanations, gear specs, and astronomy terminology.
- Significant factual errors will be corrected promptly, and where appropriate, we will include an “UPDATE” notice or editorial clarification.
- We welcome our readers’ input in identifying potential errors or suggesting improvements.
Distinction Between Facts and Opinions:
- We aim to keep a clear distinction between factual content (e.g., guides, tutorials, scientific explanations) and opinion-based content (e.g., gear recommendations or editorials).
- All reviews and subjective pieces are based on firsthand experience or credible research and are clearly labeled as such.
Ethical Standards:
- We avoid language or content that discriminates or creates bias based on race, religion, gender, nationality, physical or mental ability, or sexual orientation.
- We credit all data, research, images, or quotes taken from external sources and respect copyright and intellectual property rights.
- We protect the identity and privacy of contributors or collaborators who request anonymity.
- We frequently reference or curate content from public platforms like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and astronomy forums. In such cases:
- We always credit the original creator.
- We verify the context and authenticity of user-generated content before referencing it.
- We seek permission to reuse any media when required, especially for images, videos, or embedded content.
- We respect the terms of service and privacy settings of each platform.
- We avoid exaggerating scientific claims or repurposing speculative content without clearly labeling it as such.
Content Sourcing and Use of Third-Party Media:
Corrections and Clarifications
Starlust is dedicated to maintaining transparency with our readers. If any errors are found in our published articles, we follow these steps:
Identifying Errors:
Readers can report potential issues to:
Our editorial team reviews all reports to determine the accuracy of the concern.
Correcting Errors:
When needed, we revise the original article and include an “UPDATE” note explaining the correction.
In cases where a full revision is required, a new article or clarification may be published.
Issuing Clarifications:
For articles that may be unclear or misinterpreted, we include clarifying statements to ensure our content remains helpful and accurate.
We note all material corrections and updates clearly in the article to preserve reader trust and editorial accountability.
By following these guidelines, aims to be a trusted source of educational content in astronomy, respecting the science, our sources, and above all, our readers.